Market Research Referral,
IT Managers working in Education
Can you introduce us?

(The referred school does not have to be an Intune
or MDM enabled school)

Why market research?

SureDeploy are continuing to grow and evolve, and are currently conducting research with Honeycomb Strategy to understand the needs and pain points of those who work in IT within independent schools, Australia-wide.

We are seeking your support to refer us to anyone you know who works in IT within an Australian Independent school.   

As a thank you for your time and effort, we are offering a $200 referral bonus for every successful contact you provide who takes part in the research. This bonus is uncapped, we are offering it for each and every referral you provide who is successfully recruited to the project, provided they work at different independent schools.

How a market research referral works

Complete the form above to share a IT Manager (or someone working in the areas of interest) you know that would like to share some of their experiences as part of our Education sector study.
Our research partner Honeycomb will reach out to you to confirm the interviewee's contact details. Then contact the interviewee to book a 45mins paid session.
Upon completion of the interview, you will be contacted to send you $200 as a thank you.
Your contact will also then be contacted and sent $200 for their time.
See more FAQ's below.

Some areas of interest

Automated vs. Manual maintenance
Sync icon
Management of standard operating environments
Operating icon
Requirements for IT security policies
Security icon
Automated application packaging & governance
Stopwatch icon
Automated vs. Manual deployments
Devices icon
Integration MDM platforms such as Intune
Eye icon

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the Education sector study active?
The Education sector market research study is active in the months or August and September 2023.
Is it really uncapped for market research referrals?
Correct! SureDeploy are driven to better understand all areas of the education sectors IT teams challenges. Whilst we do have clients in this sector we also acknowledge that there are many ways to manage a fleet of devices and the problem space of securing students devices and considering their wellbeing, juggling IT budgets and hardware warranty/refreshes are tasks that are evolving.
Studies like this are invaluable to our product roadmap and offering evolution.
Do I need to be using Intune, SCCM or another MDM platform?
No, if there are other solutions being used or different scales of problems its all good fuel for our Education sector learnings. Whilst some of our existing clients weren't using these platforms prior to using our services. We will still gain value out of a discussion around device security, IT policy and fleet management.
Is SureDeploy or Honeycomb sharing the data?
No, the discussion will be confidential, and their feedback will remain anonymous.
Does the school need to be in Australia?
No, the majority of schools we are interested are based in Australia but the requirement would be for English to be the primary language for the IT team.  
Does the school need to be an Independent / Grammar school?
Ideally yes, but it's not a show stopper if your contact is at a state based school. We would need to qualify their schools device policy before confirming an interview but its worth a quick conversation, enter your details in the form above and we can determine if they can help our study.
Who is Honeycomb strategy?
SureDeploy values market research and knows that its not our area of speciality. We've been working with Honeycomb for the past year to better understand our audience and their needs in the space that SureDeploy fits. They are fantastic in facilitating low pressure interviews and gathering insights into actioanble items for our product team. For more details please review their website

1000s of endpoint devices are
already managed by SureDeploy